STX Soccer Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisory Update
Dear Forza Family,
As you may know Forza Sports Academy is part of CAYSA, WWDOA, and under the Umbrella of US SOCCER. I am sure many of you have been following and monitoring the development of the Corona Virus outbreak. Forza will follow the guidelines of CAYSA, WDDOA, AND US SOCCER.
We will continue to follow the advice from the CDC, Center for Disease Control, of their prevention steps/guidelines. Attach to this notification will be all of the links of STYSA, WDDOA, US SOCCER AND ALSO THE CDC.
FSA will not hold training next week, March 16 - 20 for Spring Break. But training will continue the week after Spring Break. All parents will make the Executive Decision for your own child. If you still want your child to continue training and compete in schedule matches to finish off the season until informed by our parent entities. Please inform your coach and Mario if you decide to keep your child home. So we know the number of players available weekly to inform CAYSA, WDDOA and our opponents if we do not have enough players to compete. I will keep a close watch and continue to follow the Corona outbreak. Safety is number priority our children and for all Forza members.
I am hopeful this virus will be short term and I am confident that the world health community will find a vaccine quickly. Safe travels if you plan on traveling for Spring Break. Enjoy yourself with your family, May God Bless you and your family.